Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts

Friday 17 October 2014


Radiation levels at fukushima have risen by more than 10 times in the aftermath of typoons Phanfone and Vongfong.  Levels of tritium measured against samples taken on October 9 show the increase according to Japans JIJI agency.  Radioactive Cesium isotope levels which is soluble, easily spread and known to cause cancer show a 3 fold increase.       
Whilst cesium is considered to be more dangerous than tritium both are radioactive substancies and need to be kept from being discharged into the Pacific Ocean in high quantities. Additionally record levels of Beta ray Strontium-90 which causes bone cancer were found according to JIJI news agency. 
Typhoon Phanfone

 As for now there is no sense of urgency  to contain the increase as  "additional measures have been ruled out since the depth and scope of the contaminated water leaks are unknown, and TEPCO already has in place several measures to control the problem, such as pumping of underground water, " according to the IANS news agency.                                                                                                                                       Officials blamed the increases on the typhoons which resulted in large amounts of rain falling in the area.Typhoon Phanfone slammed central Japan stalling trains and flights and triggering mudslides before moving into the Pacific ocean. 3 US airmen were swept out to sea and their bodies recovered by US and Japanese search crews in reports from local authorities.The latest and strongest of the typhoons - Vongfong _ hit the southernmost island of Kyushu monday morning. At least 36 injuries related to the storm were reported across Okinawa,Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures, Officials reported that 44,000 people across the country were without power.    Edit 22/10/2014   

Doctor: My friends are dying of cancer, one after another

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Friday 20 September 2013

Japan turns off last nuclear reactor

      fears of surge in U.K. gas prices.                                                                                                             A survey by the business group the CBI found that around 95% of British business leaders are worried about the cost of energy.

English: WWER-1000 (also VVER-1000 as a direct...

Japan will switch off its last nuclear reactor on Monday, amid fears that a growing dependence on gas imports there could push up electricity bills in the UK.
Kansai Electric Power's only functioning reactor was scheduled to be disconnected from the power grid and then shut for planned maintenance, ending hopes that an industry that until three years ago provided 30% of the electricity to power the world's third largest economy would stage a quick recovery.
Continuing problems at the Fukushima plant, where radioactive water has continued to spill into the sea, and a reluctance by voters to back what looks like a badly managed industry, have led to more than 50 nuclear plants being closed, sending Japanese imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) back to levels last seen after the 2011 tsunami.
Energy analysts said that Japan's shutdown, combined with Germany's commitment to end nuclear power production by 2022, was pushing up gas prices on the international markets.
Rising demand for gas combined with the cost of subsidies for renewable energy, much of which is added to household and business bills, is expected to push up energy prices in the west.
According to the CBI, there is a growing unease among UK businesses that energy costs look likely to rise.
A survey and report published by the business lobby group the CBI found that around 95% of British business leaders are worried about the cost of energy and that more than three-quarters of them have little faith that matters will improve in the next five years.   So what did you expect? Energy prices to come down, would`nt that be a novelty.      Thanks for reading, A+A.                               ( AN EXCEPT FROM THE GUARDIAN )
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