Wednesday 4 September 2013


Badger (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
                                  CAN WE VACCINATE?                                                                                                  As you may or not know 27th august started as the ist day of badger culling in 2 counties of the UK. Around 5,000 badgers are expected to be killed in Gloucestershire and Somerset over the next six weeks under two pilot schemes.The controversial badger cull has started as experts insist it is a vital move to stop the spread of bovine TB.cattle tuberculosis is a highly infectious respiratory infection that has very similar effects to human TB. The disease mainly affects lungs and kidneys, causing infected animals to lose weight and experience breathing problems. They become emaciated, weak, lethargic and eventually die. Before milk was pasteurised, cattle TB was common in humans - and often fatal. It is rarer now. Badgers pass the disease to one another then it is passed on to farm animals,  Cattle are the main hosts, but it does affect many other mammals, including badgers, deer, goats, pigs, llamas and alpacas, dogs and cats.
Those carrying out the cull have been set a target of reducing the local badger population by 70% which, previous culls suggest, could reduce cattle in TB by at least 16% over the long term.
The policy is in marked contrast to the one pursued by the Welsh government, which has just embarked on the second year of a badger vaccination programme in a disease hotspot in north Pembrokeshire. Vaccination has been proved in studies to have an impact on the spread of TB amongst badgers..
The vaccine is obviously looking to protect clean animals, but it also reduces the bacilli that is excreted by infected badgers. It doesn't cure them, but it reduces the possibility of any further infection.
No vaccine is 100% effective but we're talking in the region of a 75% level of protection.
When that size of the population is being protected then the chances of picking up the disease are very slim.
The life span of a badger is about five years.
So if you continue the vaccination project for five years, then the majority of animals that were there at the beginning will have died out and that vaccination programme is leading towards a clean and healthy badger population.,                                                                                                                                                         Are you a "culler" or a "vaccinator",         Let me know in your comments please, and dont forget the " reaction " boxes,       Regards A+A
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Tuesday 3 September 2013


Islamic Society of Britain
Islamic Society of Britain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

                  IS BRITAIN GIVING IN TO SHARIA LAW                                                         The Islamic Shari'a Council was formed to solve the matrimonial problems of Muslims living in the United Kingdom in the light of Islamic family law. The council is made up of members from all of the major schools of Islamic legal thought (mad'hab) and is widely accepted as an authoritative body with regards to Islamic law .    The tentacles of political Islam are gradually slipping into our society. Most Westerners are oblivious to this reality, and the dangers it could bring to our way of life. "We can't celebrate Christmas in school, we can't sing Christmas Carols, This is a small part of our culture, which is being washed away gradually, and its very painful. We gave them a home, and now it's us who are having to adapt to their culture, or are we?      Shouldnt we be embracing the many cultures that now contribute to the growth of this country, Many clerics preach of  integration of islamic  communities into british ways of life and that there is  much to be learned from each other.   Regarding the education of Muslim and Christian youth, we have to bring up our young people to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices.                                                                                Now peeps ,what do you think about this ,do you like or dis-like anything to do with this article, dont forget the "reaction" boxes,                     Regards A+A                                          
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Monday 2 September 2013


British Heart Foundation
British Heart Foundation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every hour spent watching television shortens the viewer’s life by 22 minutes, academics warn.                                                              

Anyone who spends six hours a day in front of the box is at risk of dying five years sooner than those who enjoy more active pastimes, it is claimed.
Researchers say that watching too much TV is as dangerous as smoking or being overweight, and that the “ubiquitous sedentary behaviour” should be seen as a “public health problem”                                                 

Well i can mention a few tv programmes i,ve watched lately that after it had finished i thought i was brain dead. No but seriously if we sit our children down in front of the tv all day long does it actualy do them any harm.?                               Researchers say that watching too much TV is as dangerous as smoking or being overweight, and that the “ubiquitous sedentary behaviour” should be seen as a “public health problem”                                      
Maureen Talbot, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “Sedentary behaviour such as vegging in front of the TV is practically a cultural institution these days and it’s good to relax for a while, but this study supports the view that too much of it can be bad for our health.
“Many of us make a conscious decision not to smoke because we know it’s bad for us, and this study suggests that more of us should make the same kind of pledge about lounging around and watching lots of TV.
       Should or could we cut down on the amount of tv we watch? is it bad for you or is it just one of those stories that someone has made a lot of money out of studying., just a small thought, how many people do you think die either sat in an armchair or lay in bed watching tv?  not a nice thing to happen but tv sets are now being made to assess your health when you are watching  your favourite show.   see link below.                                                                                                                                 
Now its your turn, do you " like" or "dislike this article, please dont forget to let me know if you think i enjoy this topic and check the "reaction" boxes.    Regards, A+A
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Saturday 31 August 2013

FASHION: Peg Leg Leather Trousers.

I have been looking to start a blog and build it from scratch, so this blog is going to be about  things i like and things that i dont, the thing is i want you to let me know which you think i like and why, also you need to let me know which you like as well , My first post you might have read was about" penis size" whats it to be "like or dis-like"
looking forward to reading your comments,  A+A
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Thursday 29 August 2013

PENIS LENGTH: You either have it or have not.

                  Now then peeps take a look at the link below then give me your comments, I dont want to know your personal stuff but are you shy about your size? is your girlfriend or boyfriend happy with it, would either of you contemplate surgery? have you ever ended a relationship because of the size ,either big or small? They say guys who talk about it are just all talk, what do you think?,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dont forget you have to let me know in your comment whether you like or dis-like the subject and also if you think "I " like or dis-like it.  Look forward to reading your comments. Regards A+A
Preputioplasty svg conv
Preputioplasty svg conv (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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