Monday 24 February 2014


If you have spent time in hospital in the last ten years then your data will undoubtabley be in the hands of The Staple Inn Actuarial Society.          Report says data covering in-patient stays between 1997 and 2010 were used to track patients' medical histories. Patients have been identified by their date of birth and their postcode  according to the Daily Telegraph. and the data used by the insurance body to work out premiums. when they combined the data alongside credit ratings it resulted in higher premiums for most people under the age of 50.                                                                                                                                                     The newly formed Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), which collects national health and social care data, said that the records referred to by the Staple Inn Actuarial Society  had been provided by a predecessor body, the NHS Information Centre. This comes less than a week after the NHS had to postpone the roll out of the GPs and hospital data sharing scheme amidst worries of data protection for individuals.The HSCIC insisted that the records were not used to analyse individual insurance premiums but to analyse general variances in critical illness.                                                                                                                                   This is what the Association of Medical Research Charities chief executive Sharmila Nebhrajani had to say about data sharing on the 18th of february 2014, she said " any sharing of data must be done with care, competence and consent" " care that respects the sensitivity of the data, competence to ensure that information is held securely and most importantly with the informed consent of the public.                                                                                                                                                                                         This has obviously been overlooked by the NSCICs predecessor body, the NHS Information Centre. So who is to be held accountable for the selling off of peoples sensitive data and what assurances can the government give that the data will not be further sold on ? I suspect that this government does not have the answers.                                                                                                                                            When the NHS put their massive data share scheme on hold for six months who had the knowledge that this was happening and why were we not informed?                           privacy experts warn there will be no way for the public to work out who has their medical records or to what use their data will be put.

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Wednesday 19 February 2014


9 MONTHS PREGNANT TEENAGER WHO WAS GANG RAPED STANDS ACCUSED OF ADULTERY AND NOW COULD BE STONED TO DEATH IN SUDAN.                                 Last august when  the teenage divorcee Ethiopian girl was around 3months pregnant , she was lured by seven men to an empty property in the capital Khartoum and violently gang raped, she later reported it to police but the officer in charge did not pursue an investigation because it was the Eid holiday. The officer was initialy charged with negligence but the charge was dropped on tuesday.   The 18 year old, now 9 months pregnant, is currently being held in a bare cell, sleeping on a concrete floor without a mattress or suitable clothing after being charged with adultery, according to the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) network.    SIHA accused Sudan of discriminating against the alleged victim because she is both a woman and a migrant, and demanded her immediate release or transfer to hospital.

According to SIHA one of the attackers filmed the rape and posted it on social media six months later which led to the arrest of both perpetrators and victim. When the case came to court earlier this month 5 of the men between the ages of 18 and 22 stood accused of adultery, another man who said that he didnt have sex with the teenager stood accused of gross indecency.                                        The woman is charged with adultery, although she denied the charges and is pleading not guilty on the basis that the sexual act was against her will. Her attempt to make a complaint of rape has been denied on the technicality that she is under investigation on other charges and she should have complained at the time of the incident. Her request for bail has been denied by the attorney general.    Sudans judiciary has been given up to £20.6m over the period March 2010 to March 2014 to fund a "safety and access to justice programme" in Sudan and South Sudan.  A Department for International Development (DfID)  spokesman said on Tuesday: "We condemn absolutely all human rights abuses and stoning is an abhorrent practice. DfID recently ended its support to the Sudanese judiciary in light of the deteriorating operating environment and our deep concerns about human rights abuses."

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Monday 17 February 2014


At the start of london fashion week its good to take a look back at the start of a fashion revolution that marked the start of production of the new " miracle " fibre come to be known as Nylon, Originaly DuPont wanted to call the new fibre No-Run but decided against it when the material obviously did.    Developed by Dr Wallace Carothers and his team, nylon stockings were cheaper, more durable and looked sheer alongside the silk stockings of that time. there was huge demand for the product when they went on sale the following year.    72 thousand pairs were sold on the first day of selling and more than 64million in the first year.                                                                                  Costing around $1.25 a pair the price escalated to around $10 or more on the black market when the US entered the second world war at the end of 1941.  Nylon production was  switched to making parachutes,tents, ropes,clothes and even tyres , then at the end of the war in 1945 production was then switched back to making stockings and women once again stood in line outside stores to buy their favourite hosiery, it is said that Macy's in New York sold 50.000 pairs in six hours of trading.                                                                                                                                                                          Not just on valentines day stockings and suspenders have had many a mans pulse racing with the introduction of many a colour and style, injecting a slice of playful fun into any outfit. So unashamedly here is a selection of modern stockings and suspenders to  feast your eyes on.                                                    
 Nothing makes a woman feel more glamorous than donning a pair of stockings or hold-ups. It's the thrill of wearing something that isn't destined for  doing the washing-up in that instantly perks a lady  (and a man) up.         


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Thursday 6 February 2014


Scottish Parliament seating 
Scottish Parliament seating (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

82,500 Homes in Scotland will now not be liable for bedroom subsidy payments after Labour, Scottish National Party and  Scottish Liberal Party voted to absorb cost imposed by Westminster.                                                                                           The Scottish Government’s annual Budget was passed with £35 million set aside to fully mitigate against the impact of the welfare reform which affects almost 82,500 Scottish households. It means no Scot can now face eviction from their home over the “tax”, which sees cuts in housing benefits for those considered to have a spare bedroom.                                                                                                                                                                                        Finance Secretary, Mr Swinney’s Budget was passed by 108 votes to 15 with only the Tories voting against. It also confirms another year of the council tax freeze, support for free university tuition, free prescriptions and free personal care.                                                          Alex Salmond's ministers repeatedly cite it and other welfare cuts as clear evidence that Tory-led governments in London are introducing damaging policies alien to Scotlands liberal ethos.                                             Swinney told Holyrood that the bedroom tax would be abolished after independence, stating  "Our actions on the bedroom tax shows the values and priorities that matter in this parliament [as] when Westminster targets the most vulnerable as part of its austerity drive, we will do all we can to protect them"                                                                 This comes soon after the UN's special investigator Raquel Rolnik announced she wanted the UK government to scrap the bedroom tax. She was denounced by the Tory party chair Grant Shapps as "that woman from Brazil". Fellow Tory MP Stuart Jackson weighed in with the classy jibe: "Loopy Brazilian Leftie".with housing minister Kris Hopkins dismissing Rolnik's report as a "Marxist diatribe"

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Monday 27 January 2014


An electronic medical record example
An electronic medical record example (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The project is being driven by NHS England, the new super quango, after Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt made it clear he wanted a data revolution in the Health Service.
Mr Hunt argues that sharing GP records with universities and private companies will  provide a valuable tool for medical research, monitoring flu outbreaks and screening for common diseases. The estimated charge for a persons medical records will be set at £1
The records – held for every person registered with a GP – will contain details of medical conditions, as well as ‘identifiable’ information including a patient’s NHS number, postcode and date of birth.                                                                                         GPs are NOT repeat NOT required to inform patients of this happening and until recently patients had no right to object to their files being used in this way but now they can opt out of the sharing of data by informing their GPs. (Maybe the process should have been to "opt in" rather than out)                                                                      Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: ‘The more people who have access to sensitive data, the greater the risk that it will not be protected properly. We’ve seen that on umpteen occasions in the past.
‘And when there’s a financial element involved, it introduces all sorts of incentives that are not necessarily about protecting privacy.’                                                                   Phil Booth, of campaign group medConfidential, said: ‘They are presenting this as some anodyne thing that’s only going to be used for health research. But this is a massive re-engineering of how everybody’s medical records are going to be used. It is an unprecedented threat to our medical confidentiality.’                                                    The prime minister said it was "simply a waste to have a health service like the NHS and not to use (sell) the medical data it generated ".  "Let me be clear" ( oh those words,let me be clear or to the best of my knowledge) " this does not threaten privacy, it does'nt mean anyone can look at your health records, but it does mean using anonymous data ( joke surely) to make new medical breakthroughs". " The end result will be that every willing patient is a research patient ( guinea pig ) and every time you use the NHS you are playing a part in the fight against disease at home and around the world"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Just for the record mr prime minister you can count me out.                                     
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Thursday 23 January 2014


Praying for recovery of rape victim India Gate-008
Praying for recovery of rape victim India Gate-008 (Photo credit: ramesh_lalwani)

TRIBAL ELDERS ORDER THE HORRIFIC RAPE IN PUBLIC BY UP TO 12 MEN OF 20 YEAR OLD FEMALE FOR"UNAUTHORISED" RELATIONSHIP, POLICE SAY.                                                                                                                                   The horrific rape took place in Burbham district around 120miles from Kolkata, West Bengal and was punishment for her having an affair with a man from a different village and caste and then her subsequent failure to pay a fine of 50,000 rupee (£490) local media reported.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“According to the woman, the [village head] summoned her and her [lover] on Monday and detained them through the day and night. After her family said they could not pay the fine, the [head] allegedly ordered the mass rape on Tuesday,” police superintendant C Sudhakar told The Hindustan Times newspaper.                                                                                                                                                                 The women ,who is now recovering in hospital, said she had lost count of the number of attackers, Eleven men, a number of which were her neighbours, have been arrested in connection to the rape, including the village head.                                                                                                                                                Gang rape in india seems to becoming ever more prevalent , only last week a 51-year-old tourist in Delhi was raped by at least five men on her way home on foot from a popular Delhi national museum and shopping center. The women who is now home in Denmark was also robbed and beaten in the attack. Delhi police confirmed that a robbery and rape case had been registered. "We are questioning a group of men," said Rajan Bhagat, a police spokesman.                                                                                                                                                                       Every week India's media describe attacks on women across the country, often involving several men and frequently resulting in the death of the victim. On Wednesday, newspapers reported the gang-rape of a teenager in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Last week a 13-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped, tortured and killed in Uttarakhand's Haridwar district. In southern Andhra Pradesh, nine men arrested earlier this month reportedly told police they had raped 59 women in the past two years.                                                                                                                                                                The United Nations asked India, the world's second most populous country, to ensure security for women. But although prison terms for rape have been stiffened, stalking made a criminal offence and gender sensitivity programmes introduced for some police officers, little appears to have changed on the ground.


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